Friday, January 30, 2009

A Day With Mama

Grocery shopping. . .again?! This time I had the privilege of having my Mama (mother-in-law) with me. We don't usually get to spend much time together because of our busy schedules, but Mama had a day off today. We had tea together this morning and some heart to heart talks that we haven't been able to have in way too long. Our local "Tim's" served a great lunch, and the kids provided many laughs. Shirley now dislikes apple juice because she was drenched by it! After going BACK home to get dry clothes for Shirley we headed to the grocery store. Wow! It's amazing what an extra pair of willing hands can do! I was so thankful to have her with me today. In the busyness of life we tend to take the ones closest to us for granted. I for one do not say enough how thankful I am for Mama and Papa. Crossing cultures when getting married brings a set of unique challenges. The challenges aren't necessarily reserved for the bride and groom. Even parents have things to learn and understand. We've learned together for over 7 years. Though we have not always completely understood each other, we've always loved each other (in our own unique ways!). "The Five Love Languages" is a book I have been reading recently. The book is about learning your spouse's love language, but "love languages" apply to all types of personal relationships. Learning "love languages" has been an ongoing project for all of us. As with crossing actual language barriers, there have been misunderstandings and blunders. This daughter -in-law is thankful that as we've crossed these TWO language barriers we've built a love that will last a lifetime. I've never thought of all of this before today--and all because I had a day with Mama.

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